2019 PaSNAPsco Photo Contest Calls on Photographers to Picture the Best of the Patapsco Valley Heritage Area

PaSNAPsco Photo Contest Calls on Photographers to
Picture the Best of the Patapsco Valley Heritage Area

Rogers Family of Ellicott City Sponsors Effort to Highlight Area’s Many Features

ELLICOTT CITY, MARYLAND–The Patapsco Heritage Greenway is issuing a call for entries to paSNAPsco – a photo contest and exhibit depicting the diverse beauty of Maryland’s most historic river valley.  Open to both amateur and professional photographers, the organization seeks images that creatively feature historic structures and attractions, the Patapsco River and its environment, Main Street moments, recreational opportunities, and cultural activities. Winning photographs will be featured in a 2020 Patapsco Valley Heritage Area Calendar.

Last year’s contest had eighteen photographers enter with forty-six photos. Winning photographs were displayed in the PaSNAPsco Photo Exhibit on Display from November-January at Atwater’s in Catonsville. Previously chosen winners and new entrants are welcomed to submit photographs for the 2019 PaSNAPsco Contest, but photographs submitted for the 2018 PaSNAPsco Contest are not eligible to be resubmitted.

Individual cash prizes of $100 will be awarded for the “best of’ in the following categories:

  • STEP BACK (historical)
  • NATURE NURTURES (environment)
  • GET OUT! (recreation)
  • A MUSE (cultural)

In addition, a PATAPSCO FAVORITE will be chosen for a $200 cash prize, and a PEOPLE’S CHOICE award will be selected via an online contest component for a $100 cash award.

All photos must be taken within the boundaries of the Patapsco Valley Heritage Area. An exhibit featuring winning photos and other selected entries will be held in November. The deadline for entries is August 15, 2019.

The contest is sponsored by the Rogers Family of Ellicott City and made possible through a grant from the Maryland Heritage Area Authority.


paSNAPsco Rules

paSNAPsco Entry Form

paSNAPsco photo release


For more information or questions, send an email to info@patapsco.org.