A Fond Farewell to Heather


After three seasons with the Patapsco Heritage Greenway, Heather Wandell is stepping down as the Environmental Programs Coordinator to pursue new opportunities. Heather has been such a light to our organization! She bridged us through the floods and transitions in leadership. Her steady hand and organizational skills will be sorely missed… but… I know that we will miss most – her ready smile, her warmth and kindness. In Heather’s words:

“I have loved my time with PHG and have found the work so interesting and very rewarding.  It has opened up my eyes and heart to environmental concerns and has deepened my love for the Patapsco River Valley.  While looking for another part time job that is slightly less physically demanding, I plan to continue as a member of the volunteer Stream Team which assists with stream cleanups, tree plantings, tree maintenance, and invasive plant removal, when time allows.  I am also considering enrolling in the Master Naturalist Program and or volunteering with local historical organizations.  I love this quote from Marion Olson –

 Every end is a beginning,

Another mountain to climb

Or space to pursue new possibilities, or withdraw

To the other side of the bank

Under a great sprawling sycamore

Where the river quietly flows

And just breathe.

But first, a trip to Iceland in June with my husband! I know your good work will carry on and I plan to join you at many events—but not all.  I’m ready to slow the pace of our seasons just a tad!  Stream by stream, keep on combating the impact of thoughtlessness!

 Love and Laughter,

 Heather :o) “

We wish you well, Heather! And look forward to working with you in the future!