Patapsco Heritage Greenway (PHG) is honored to announce the receipt of a major gift from EC250 Inc. to establish the EC250 Legacy Fund. The fund will be used solely to support projects that benefit Ellicott City and take place within the Ellicott City Historic District plus properties immediately abutting Frederick Road from Toll House Road to River Road in Baltimore County. The purpose of the fund, as stipulated by EC250’s Board of Directors with the gift, is to help non-profit, partner organizations fund projects that:
- Provide educational and informative programs, events, and learning experiences that raise the visibility of the history of Ellicott City; and/or
- Beautify and enhance the appearance of Ellicott City and its gateways through the maintenance and restoration of interpretive signage, gardens, benches, and visitor amenities.
In addition, EC250 specified a portion of the fund to be set aside to help maintain the Ellicott City/Oella entrance garden along the Patapsco River.
In a joint statement members of EC250s board of directors noted, “Our hopes are that this gift will enable others to continue to raise awareness of Ellicott City’s historic significance and enhance its attraction for residents and visitors alike in a way that further contributes to the vitality of the Patapsco Valley Heritage Area.”
PHG is the non-profit managing organization of the Patapsco Valley Heritage Area (PVHA), Maryland’s 13th Heritage Area, and is dedicated to preserving, protecting, interpreting, and restoring the environment, history, and culture of Maryland’s most dramatic river valley for the enjoyment of all. Natural processes, natural beauty, and history combine within the Heritage Area to create a unique opportunity for neighboring residents and visitors from across the state and beyond to understand and enjoy the river valley. Through the efforts of PHG and its many partners, the public can better appreciate the significance of the valley’s heritage, understand its history, and enjoy the many experiences it has to offer. For more information about the PVHA and PHG, visit www.patapsco.org.
EC250 Legacy Fund dollars will be distributed through PHG’s existing mini-grant and sponsorship programs as well as a new program that will launch in 2024. The EC250 logo will be used to identify the fund and awardees will be asked to recognize funding by displaying the EC250 logo, where applicable. For more information about the EC250 Legacy Fund, please contact PHG Executive Director Aaron Shapiro.