PaSNAPsco is a photo contest open to any amateur or professional photographer except employees, former employees, Board Members, or Advisory Committee members of Patapsco Heritage Greenway. Awards for the PaSNAPsco…

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National Poetry Month

Did you know every April is National Poetry Month? This past year, PHG was a proud sponsor of the “See Through Poems” installation- a project of 25 poems in Main…

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New Deal Era Mural

On the walls within Howard County’s Welcome Center, located on Main Street in Historic Ellicott City, are two large colorful murals. The murals depicting the town’s heritage were installed in…

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B&O Blue

The plate above, housed in Ellicott City’s historic B&O Railroad Station Museum is a beautiful example of the famous B&O Blue dining china. The original distinctive deep blue-colored Colonial dining-car…

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Paint IT! Plein Air

The Ellicott City Colored School Restored was chosen by artist Ann J. Crostic as her subject matter during the 2020 annual Paint IT! Plein Air event, hosted by the Howard…

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