Blitz Mini-Grant Round Announced for Spring 2018.

The Patapsco Heritage Area will hold a blitz Mini-Grant round for the Spring 2018. Applications are due March 12, 2018, awardees will be notified by March 19, 2018 and projects will need to be completed by June 11, 2018.

The Patapsco Heritage Area (PHA) Mini-Grant Program is designed to assist heritage-related sites, organizations and municipalities to develop new and innovative programs, partnerships, exhibits, tours, events, and other initiatives consistent with the regional goals and objectives stated within our state and county approved Management Plan.

The program, administered by the Patapsco Heritage Greenway (PHG), encourages mini-grant proposals that include collaborative partnerships, enhance preservation, encourage stewardship of natural resources, and promote heritage tourism.

Refer to the following document links for our guidelines, application and final report forms:

PHA Mini Grant Guidelines

PHA Mini Grant Application