Bacteria Monitoring Methods Comparison Webinar
May 17, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Online Event
Join PHG as we host a webinar conducted by Apoorva Ajith comparing ColiScan Easy Gel and the R-Card methods of measuring e-coli bacteria.
Join Patapsco Heritage Greenway on Friday May 17th as we host a webinar conducted by Apoorva Ajith, an intern from the University of Maryland School of Public Health. Apoorva has spent her spring semester with PHG comparing two methods of measuring bacteria in our waterways, the ColiScan Easy Gel and the R-Card. Since January, she has collected over 40 samples for this side-by-side comparison. Join us on May 17th to find out why this work is important, how we designed and implemented the study, and what we are finding.