Giving Thanks on #GivingTuesday

This #GivingTuesday, we’d like to Give Thanks for 2018:
– Thank you to our environmental volunteers who removed more than 24,000 lbs of trash in 22 stream clean-ups, planted 167 trees, and conducted 6 invasive removal events.
– Thank you to our 18 PaSNAPsco Photo Exhibit entrants who submitted 46 wonderful depicting the diverse beauty of Maryland’s most historic river valley. The winning photos are now on exhibit at Atwater’s in Catonsville through January 16, 2019.
– Thank you to our 50 new members who joined in our first ever membership drive this spring.
– Thank you to all of our program participants who learned more about the wonderful culture, history, and environment of the Patapsco Valley.
– Thank you to Mini-Grant applicants who applied for over $30,000 of funding to develop new and innovative programs, partnerships, exhibits, tours, and events for the Patapsco Valley Heritage Area.
– Thank you to our over 450 new “likes” on Facebook. Whether you’ve shared a post, Re-Tweeted us, or given us a double tap on Instagram, we are thankful for your helping us spread the word.
For this and so much more, Patapsco Heritage Greenway is thankful. Our success comes through the support and work of each of you. THANK YOU!