Patapsco Paranormal: PHG’s Spooky Tales




Halloween is not just for exciting costumes and Trick or Treating on Main Street. It’s also a great time to share spooky stories.

Here are some favorite “Tales from the Desk” from #TeamPatapsco.

Haunted happenings from the Environmental Coordinator:
-You show up for the biggest cleanup of the year and realize we forgot trash bags.
-Reconing an area for a cleanup and finding a doll hanging in a tree. Then another, and another…
-Hiking a trail for our blog and realizing the directional signage is missing

​​ Terrors from the Heritage Coordinator: 

– Losing the citation for a valuable archival source
– Finding an important article on the history of Daniels that is locked behind a paywall
– Running into an armchair general who knows everything about the Civil War
Spooky sightings from the Program Manager:
-Wading into the river during a stream cleanup only to see (and smell) an overflowing sewage pipe
-Finally finding that 100th tire to remove from the riverbank only to see it covered in poison ivy
-Running out of gloves for volunteers and the only trash to pick up is dirty diapers

Frightful fears from the Executive Director:
– Clicking “submit” on an important grant application only to have my computer crash, with no back-up
– Learning that our Press Release for PLANTapsco never went out
– Showing up to a board meeting fully prepped only to realize the meeting is next week